My Favorite Lipsticks

Today I will be discussing affordable and high-end Lipsticks. Lipsticks are a quick and easy way to pull together a look. Complicated lipstick trends come and go throughout the seasons however there are also many timeless ones.


My new favorite lipstick is “Revlon’s Plum Baby”. I recently discovered this color while I was randomly looking through the aisles at CVS. I normally would not choose a purple color but I decided to take a chance and I absolutely love it!!!! The purple color is sheer and doesn’t stand out too much.


“High End”

My favorite “high-end” lipstick would be MAC’s “Angel”. To me it is the perfect pink-nude. I can wear this color all year round. When I’m in a rush to get out the door in a hurry I usually reach for this color. MAC always makes good quality products and I know that the products are going to last me a long time.



No matter which lipstick I choose to wear I always make sure that I exfoliate and put on chap stick before I apply the color for better results. Another fun tip is that you can put a similar eye shadow color on top of the lipstick to make it matte. I would suggest putting on a lot of lip moisturizer because your lips will be dry.

2 thoughts on “My Favorite Lipsticks

  1. finlek12 says:

    Your blog is very interesting, I did not know you could put eye shadow on your lipstick to make it matte. This is a tip that I will try next time I wear lipstick. Does the eye shadow and lipstick combination dry out your lips a lot. I really like the colors of lipsticks you chose to do your blog. I can’t wait to see what else your going to post over the next few weeks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jennifer Burton says:

    I love blogs that have a nice balance of text and pictures to tell a story. Great job! I loved hearing your lipstick tips and like Katelyn, I didn’t know about adding eye shadow to your lipstick. Do you have any advice on how to choose lipstick colors without a lot of trials? It always takes me forever to choose a good color! I look forward to reading more!


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